Read the offer contract and tick the checkbox below


1. General Provisions

1. In accordance with Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the “Civil Code”) this Contract is a public offer (hereinafter referred to as the “Offer”), is an official offer of the Limited Liability Partnership “GENEZIS GURME”, hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, for the sale of dishes, products and drinks from the restaurant under the name of “QAZAQ GOURMET” (hereinafter referred to as the “Restaurant”), rental of certain premises of the Restaurant, as well as their delivery to the customer on the terms and conditions provided by this Offer.
2. In case of acceptance of the conditions set forth below, the individual who accepts this Offer shall use the menu, as well as the service of the Contractor in accordance with the terms of Article 396 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Full and unconditional consent to conclude the Contract (hereinafter - Acceptance) is the expressed agreement with its terms and conditions by placing an order on the menu of the Restaurant, booking tables or individual premises of the Restaurant.
3. Acceptance of this Contract means that the Customer agrees with all provisions of this offer, which is equivalent to the conclusion of the Contract and all annexes thereto. In relation to the above, the Customer should carefully read the text of the Offer, because, in case of disagreement with any clause of the Offer, the potential Customer is suggested to refuse to purchase goods or use services provided by the Contractor.

2. Terms and Definitions

4. In this Offer, unless the text indicates otherwise, the following terms have the following meanings:
“Contractor” - Limited Liability Partnership “GENESIS GURME” (BIN: 220640033210), established in full compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and performing entrepreneurial activity in the sphere of restaurant business.
“Customer” - any capable individual who has accepted this Offer on the terms and conditions set forth below by ordering dishes, products and drinks from the restaurant under the name “QAZAQ GOURMET” (hereinafter - the Restaurant), renting certain premises of the Restaurant, as well as their delivery to the customer.
“Goods” - a list of dishes, products, semi-finished products and drinks from the Contractor's restaurants, presented in the Restaurant's menu, for purchase by the Customer.
“Order” - a request formed by the Customer for the purchase of dishes, products and drinks selected by the Customer in the Restaurant's menu and delivered to the Contractor in person or by phone.
“Premises” - a separate part of the Restaurant's space offered for rent to the Customer for a certain period of time for a fee.

3. Subject of the Offer

5. The Contractor is obliged to prepare and deliver a dish/dishes, products and drinks according to the Order, and the Customer is obliged to accept the Order and make payment for the goods according to the terms of this Offer.
6. In the case of renting separate premises of the Restaurant, the Contractor agrees to provide such premises at the time and within the operating hours of the Restaurant specified in advance, and the Customer agrees to accept the Order and make payment for the rental of the premises in accordance with the terms of this Offer.
7. The rental fee for the Restaurant in full, or for some of its premises, may include the cost of the Order at an equivalent rental value.

4. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

8. The Contractor undertakes to:
Through the menu, inform the Customer about the offered dishes, drinks and their costs, as well as about the rental of individual premises of the Restaurant, its terms and conditions and costs.
9. The Customer undertakes to:
1) if necessary, form an order for the preparation of the selected dishes;
2) pay for the Contractor's goods and services;
3) take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of the Restaurant's property, furniture and utensils;
4) be personally liable for any actions taken with the use of the individual premises of the Restaurant.
10. The Contractor has the right to:
1) at own discretion, provide the Customer with discounts and bonuses for its services;
2) refuse to fulfill the Order in case of absence of certain dishes and drinks in the Restaurant menu, as well as to rent certain tables and premises of the Restaurant in case they are booked by another Customer.
11. The Customer has the right to:
1) use the Contractor's goods and services in own interests, without directly interfering with the Contractor's work;
2) receive goods and services of proper quality from the Contractor.

5. Service Fees and Payment Procedure

12. The cost of the Contractor's goods and services is indicated in the Restaurant's menu.
13. Methods of payment:
- cash upon receipt of the order;
- bank cards upon receipt of the order;
- other non-cash payment methods.

6. Return of Goods

14. The Customer has no right to refuse the Contractor's goods and services of proper quality.

7. Liability of the Parties, Dispute Resolution

15. The Customer gives consent to the Contractor to process (collect, keep, systematize, combine, update, distribute his personal data (name, phone number) for the purposes specified in the Offer.
16. The Contractor undertakes not to disclose the information received from the Customer.
17. The Customer may at any time withdraw the consent given by him to the processing of personal data after notifying the Contractor of the withdrawal by phone to the Contractor.
18. The Customer consents to the recording of phone conversations to improve the quality of service and to confirm the Customer's verbal statements.
19. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Offer the Parties shall be responsible as prescribed by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
20. All disputes arising between the Parties in fulfillment of this Offer shall be settled by negotiations, and in case of failure to reach an agreement between the Parties, the dispute shall be considered in court in accordance with the current legislation.

8. Term of the Offer

21. This Offer shall come into effect from the moment the Customer visits the Restaurant or makes an Order by phone and shall remain in force until all obligations of the Parties have been fulfilled.

9. Force majeure

22. The Parties shall be released from liability for partial or full failure to fulfill obligations under this Offer if such failure is a result of force majeure circumstances, as well as the adoption of legislative acts by state authorities, preventing the fulfillment of the terms of this Offer. In this case, fulfillment of obligations under this Offer shall be postponed for the duration of force majeure circumstances and their consequences.

10. Other conditions

23. In all other matters not provided for by this Offer, the Parties shall be guided by the effective legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
24. The Contractor shall have the right to change the order of rendering services under this Offer, cost of services, methods of payment.

11. Address and requisites of the Contractor

Legal address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana city, Mangilik El Avenue, 29, office 1
Phone number:
BIN 220640033210
Kaspi Bank JSC
BC: 17
Account number: KZ62722S000016574280